Sunday Morning Groups
Adult Course
Facilitator: Tom Pastoor
9:00am, Sunday mornings
Room: Courtyard (or fellowship hall weather permitted.)
Listening to God Vol. 1
As Christians, we are to listen for God's voice in our lives. Come and see!
Ongoing Groups
S.A.L.T. Class (Studying and Learning Together
Topic: Feasting On The Word
Adult Group
9:00am - 10:00am, Sundays
Using the zoom platform
This group study is based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Every Sunday, this group has a chance to dive into the lectionary texts that the minister (usually) preaches on.
Fellowship and Faith​
Adult Group
5:00pm - 6:o0pm, Sundays
Using the zoom platform
This group is utilizing a Dr. Francis Chan DVD series entitled BASIC. The study challenge us to reclaim the church as Scripture describes it. The study speaks o those who have questions about the church and to those who may have lost interest in the church.
Mens Breakfast Bible Study
​6:00am - 7:00am, Wednesdays
​Location: Fellowship Hall
Each week, we meet to spend some time in God's Word together. We gather around a selection that is send out via email, and explore together what it means for Christian living and discipleship.
Ladies Afternoon Gathering
Adult Group
1:00pm - 2:30pm, Tuesdays
Location: Over Zoom
Various topics
The Ladies' afternoon group loves spending time together in fellowship and in the Scriptures Topics run the gamut but are always inspirational and come from within the reformed tradition.