The Resources Ministry Team focuses on managing the human, monetary, and physical resources of the church. In general, this team divides its work among three main areas: facilities (the building and grounds), finances (church budgeting and stewardship), and personnel (supporting church professionals).
Space-sharing w/ our Community
Several years ago, God began encouraging us to be better stewards of the physical buildings we enjoy. We now have a process in place to partner with community agencies, non-profits, and individuals to utilize the many and varied rooms on our campus.
For more information on how you can benefit from this space sharing ministry, click here.
Year-Round Stewardship
Faithful giving (stewardship) is vital to one's spiritual health and discipleship. The Resources Ministry Team can help you understand our church budget, and give you the tools to begin giving regularly in thanksgiving for God's providence in your life.
The church is open to all methods of giving: checks or cash in the offering plate, our online giving platform, and we can also help you set up an ETF or automated transfer from your bank or credit union.